Dear Sickle Cell Community,

Over the past several months, SCDAA has been working with congressional sickle cell disease (SCD) champions and other community and provider groups to advance bipartisan legislation to improve care for individuals with SCD. The Sickle Cell Disease Comprehensive Care Act (H.R. 6216 / S. 3389) authorizes the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to create a demonstration program to improve preventive and primary outpatient care for individuals living with SCD who are enrolled in Medicaid.

Members of Congress are back home for the August congressional district work period. Upon their return to Washington in September there will be a limited number of legislative workdays remaining before the November elections. Additional cosponsors are needed to show congressional leaders there is strong support for the Sickle Cell Disease Comprehensive Care Act and for the legislation to be scheduled for a vote in the House and Senate.

NOW is the time to reach out and remind your elected officials that September is Sickle Cell Awareness month and urge them to support individuals with SCD and their families by cosponsoring this legislation. Please click Take Action below to send a message to your Senators and Representatives. Please make sure to include your relationship to SCD (e.g., individual with SCD, parent, loved one or friend of an individual with SCD) at the beginning of the letter and feel free to personalize the text.

Thank you for your help in making sure Congress hears from the sickle cell community!



Sickle Cell Disease Association of America